Can You Put a Sandpit on Concrete? Pros and Cons

Cartoon of Steve in jacket and smart trousers

There have been many do-it-yourself (DIY) guidelines on how to make a sandpit, but what comes after?

Now that you have a sandpit, where do you put it?

Can you put it on concrete?

Let’s discuss. 

You can put sandpit on concrete but it is not the best option. First, concrete is too hard. The movement of sandpits on a hard surface may cause it to disintegrate eventually. Second, it’s not a great transition for children to have a soft surface inside the sandpit and a hard one on the concrete. Thirdly, concrete will damage the sand whenever it rains because water cannot drain properly. 

What Is a Sandpit?

A sandpit, also referred to as a sandbox, is a play area for children. 

It is basically a structure filled with sand. 

It can be as big as you want it to be. 

The frame is made of wood. 

Many people create sandpits because it’s a fantastic way to encourage children to stay outside and play rather than be glued to their gadgets for hours. 

Sanpits are also quite easy to make. 

One can create sandpits from different types of wood:

  • Treated pine
  • Larch wood
  • Spruce
  • Cedar

Some make a whole sandpit open box, which means the base is made with the same wood as the frame. 

However, some would only make the frame to trap the sand. 

Now, it begs the question: can you put a sandpit on concrete?

Sandpit on Concrete – Is It Possible?

Sandpit and bucket

Technically, everything is possible. 

Anything can be a base for the sandpit; it’s just a question of whether it is a good base or not. 

Whether you have an open-box type of sandpit or just the decking frame, concrete is not a very good base. 

Here are some reasons why you should not place sandpits on concrete. 

Hard Surface

Children would not have an easy ground transition whenever they get out of the sandpit–from the soft sand to the hard ground. 

Remember, children are almost always barefoot in sandpits. 

Lousy Drainage

As a base, concrete is terrible for drainage. 

So, when it rains, it’s going to create a pool in the sandpit that would destroy the sand.

Of course, covering the sandpit when not in use also works. 

May Damage the Frame

Whether you have an open-box type sandbox or just the frame, friction with the hard surface for a long time will eventually damage the frame. 

The frame will also get damaged in time, from the natural elements and overuse. 

But the hard surface helps hasten the damage. 

Do you know what you can do with concrete?

Concrete is actually a good option for the frame. 

Instead of using a wooden frame, you can use concrete to trap your sandpit. 

Advantage of a Sandpit With Concrete Frame

It’s pretty obvious that the advantage is durability. 

The sandpit will last for a long time. 

There’s a reason why houses are made of concrete. 

However, since it has a sense of permanence, you need to make sure you are certain about the area where you will have a concrete sandpit. 

Since you are going to use concrete, you might as well make a large sandpit that could accommodate many children. 

What Is the Best Surface to Put the Sandpit On?

Teenagers in sandpit

Since it has been established that concrete is not the best place to put sandpit on, what’s the alternative?

On the Grass

Perhaps the best place to build your sandpit is on the grass. 

For one, the grass will serve as a cushion for those playing in the sandpit. 

However, you can’t expect the grass to survive in that condition. 

At least, that’s only for the grass that will be covered by the sand or within the sandpit. 

Another advantage of putting your sand in the grassy area is the children’s transition from sand to grass and back again–it’s comfortable either way. 

On Wooden Deck

Putting a sandbox on wooden decks is great too. 

Not as great as on the grass. 

However, there are many things to consider in this case:

  1. Is the deck strong enough to hold the weight of the sandpit?
  2. Make sure you have durable enough decking and sandbox wood that can withstand wood-to-wood contact and movement. 
  3. You must create a DIY drain on the side to make sure water will not pool in the sandbox from the rain. 
  4. Sand will most likely go on the deck as it is prone to overflow with children playing in it. 

On the Patio

Most patios are made of concrete, which means the same general issues discussed previously will happen. 

In addition, you can’t stop the sand from invading the entire patio especially when children are concerned. 

On Brick Ground

Some sandpits can also be placed on brick grounds. 

It will have the same issues as the concrete ones except bricks have a fairly better drainage capability. 

Final Thoughts

INFOGRAPHIC Answering the Question Can You Put a Sandpit on Concrete
Click infographic to enlarge.

Children will love sandpits. 

So, if you are ever thinking of building them a play area, a sandpit is a great option. 

It is smaller and easier to get rid of when they outgrow it. 

Enticing children to go outside may be harder when the appeal of mobile games and social media is too high. 

But who doesn’t want to dip their toes in the sand?

Having a sandpit at home is a great idea as long as you have all the right knowledge about the best materials to use and the best surface to place it on. 

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