How Old Is Too Old For A Trampoline? AKA How Seriously Do You Take Life?

Cartoon of Steve in trousers and t shirt

Sometimes as an adult, we can feel a bit embarrassed about admitting we enjoy something that is supposedly for kids.

For instance, bouncing on trampolines.

As we get older I guess we start to feel more self-conscious and for most of us our desire to fit into societal ‘norms’ increases.

But it still begs the question, how old is too old for a trampoline?

Let’s take a closer look.

How Old Is Too Old For A Trampoline?

You are never too old to go on a trampoline! Trampolining is excellent for physical health and mental health and improves balance, strength, endurance, mobility, coordination, and more. All the time your body permits it, you can get on a trampoline! The only age rule with trampolines is that no one under the age of six should use them.

In the UK Cathy Page was still trampolining regularly at 75, in fact she was still teaching six days a week saying: “I still enjoy getting on the trampoline to stay fit. If you’re not fit, you’re dead.”

Another video on YouTube shows a 66-year-old looking as sprightly on a trampoline as someone a quarter of his age.

Then we have Tony Geraghty topping the lot, and still regularly bouncing around on a trampoline at the age of 90! “It is good for co-ordination, breathing, heart and so on”, he says.

And there are probably numerous more examples out there that we aren’t aware of.

So the answer is, you are never too old to go on a trampoline unless you think you are too old.

If you enjoy trampolining, if you are fit and able enough to do, then do it and enjoy whilst you can, because you might not always be able to.

The Health Benefits of Trampolining

In fact getting on a trampoline regularly when you are older can be good for you in all sorts of ways, both mentally and physically.

First of all using a trampoline will naturally boost the dopamine levels in your brain and this is a very good thing.

Dopamine is a chemical that makes you feel good. Essentially when you accomplished something and get a feeling of satisfaction or pleasure it is because you have a surge of dopamine in the brain.

Because of this trampolining can also be a good stress reliever as well, like most forms of exercise it also releases endorphins which make you feel better.

As the 90-year-old trampoliner Tony Geraghty touched on above trampolining has multiple health benefits, especially as you get older.

It improves coordination, physical endurance and mobility, and helps seniors live a more healthy life as it reduces the chances of tripping and falling.

In fact a study found that 14 weeks of mini-trampoline exercises improved seniors’ balance by around 35%

Often the day after jumping around on a trampoline you are surprised by just how much your body aches. 

That is because it makes use of multiple muscles, and is a great way of strengthening everything from your legs to your back muscles (and more).

Like all forms of cardio, it is good for the heart too.

Trampolining is also very accessible, no matter what size you are, or what your physical condition is, you can enjoy it and it is a great way to build memories and have fun with your kids.

How Young Is Too Young For A Trampoline?

Boy on trampoline doing somersault

Whilst there is no upper age limit on using a trampoline, there is a lower age limit.

Children under the age of six should never use a trampoline.

This is something that is universally agreed on by the world’s medical authorities.

The long and short of it is that under the age of six children are not mentally or physically ready for the risks posed by trampolines.

Their bones are still not fully developed, and they will likely not have the awareness to keep themselves safe on a trampoline.

Despite this recommendation, children under the age of six still account for around 25% to 35% of all injuries suffered on a trampoline.

“We want children to enjoy exercise and physical activity, but parents and caregivers should know about the dangers of trampolines and the risk for serious injury, especially in very young children. Children younger than age 6 are less likely to have the coordination, body awareness, and swift reaction time necessary to keep their bodies, bones and brains safe on trampolines.”

Orthopedic surgeon, Jennifer M. Weiss, MD.

“Paediatric bone is different than adult bone. The younger child’s bone, it’s softer, it’s more compressible, it’s spongy. Paediatric bone can fail relatively easily. If the forces are just right, it can snap.”

Orthopedic surgeon, Dr Randall Loder

Final Thoughts

INFOGRAPHIC Answering Question How Old Is Too Old For A Trampoline
Click infographic to enlarge.

“As for adults, there isn’t any age when you can stop, it is when the body gives up that is when it comes to an end.” 

Stuart Farlane, trampoline coach to 90-year-old Tony Geraghty.

You are never too old to go on a trampoline!

If you are getting strange looks at a trampoline park because you are the only adult there, then you can fully justify it by saying trampolining is good for you, because it is!

It is good for your mental health, good for your physical health and a lot of fun.

And what is life about if it isn’t about having fun

So let’s end with another quote: 

“Life is too serious to be taken seriously. Never stop playing when you get old.” 

Michael Brook, composer and actor.

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