Can Tomorite Be Used On Hydrangeas? (Explained)

Can Tomorite be used on hydrangeas

There are so many different fertilizers out there, and so many different plants sometimes it can be difficult to work out what you need for your garden.

So can Tomorite be used on hydrangeas?

In fact, if you want happy and healthy hydrangeas what is the best fertilizer to use?

We take a closer look at that here.

So without further ado let’s get started.

Can Tomorite Be Used On Hydrangeas?

The high level of potassium in Tomorite (and tomato feed in general), means it is great to use if you have established hydrangeas that aren’t flowering well. Feeding hydrangeas with it in the spring should help them bloom. Its benefits on newly planted hydrangeas are negligible and something like Miracle-Gro would suit them better.

Tomorite is Great if Your Hydrangeas Aren’t Flowering Well

Tomorite has lower levels of nitrogen and higher amounts of potassium (potash).

It has an NPK of 4 – 4.5 – 8, or is made up of:

  • Nitrogen: 24%
  • Phosphorus: 27%
  • Potassium: 48%

It is designed specifically for flowering or fruiting and was originally made for getting tomatoes to fruit.

So if you have established hydrangeas that have trouble flowering, then giving them a good feed on Tomorite in the spring is a good idea.

This will encourage flowers rather than greenery. However, be wary of overfeeding as it can lead to the flower buds not developing properly.

Notice above I said Tomorite is good to use on established hydrangeas?

It will have little or no benefit on newly planted hydrangeas.

In this case, you will want to use a more balanced feed until your hydrangea starts flowering, otherwise you will end up with uneven growth.

There is also little point adding Tomorite too late in the season, as it won’t encourage any new growth.

Trying adding it in early spring for the best possible chance of success.

As an aside Tomorite (or tomato feed) won’t help turn a hydrangea from blue to pink.

Can Tomato Feed Be Used On Hydrangeas?

In many ways we have answered this above as Tomorite is a particular brand of tomato feed.

Plenty of gardeners swear by tomato feed and use it on everything. And it is undoubtedly a good allrounder plant food.

Its extra dose of potassium does make it especially useful to encourage plants to flower.

But as mentioned, normal plant food is recommended to begin with when your hydrangeas are newly planted. Especially for ericaceous plants like hydrangeas.

The high potash content of tomato food should only be utilized when your hydrangeas have been bedded in and are struggling to bloom.

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Can Miracle-Gro Be Used On Hydrangeas?

Miracle-Gro is well suited for hydrangeas and should help them to get off to a healthy start and then encourage vibrant blooms in the summer.

Before we get into the details of this there are a couple of types of Miracle-Gro that might suit your hydrangeas.

Let’s look at them both:

Miracle-Gro All Purpose

  • Nitrogen: 24 (50%)
  • Phosphorus: 8 (17%)
  • Potassium: 16 (33%)

Miracid (specifically for acid-loving plants)

  • Nitrogen: 30 (60%)
  • Phosphorus: 10 (20%)
  • Potassium: 10 (20%)

And as a reminder how that compares to Tomorite:

  • Nitrogen: 4 (24%)
  • Phosphorus: 4.5 (27%)
  • Potassium: 8 (48%)

So as you can see Miracle-Gro has much more nitrogen and much less potassium.

As a quick recap nitrogen is good for green growth, phosphorus helps root growth and potassium is what encourages a plant to flower well.

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Miracle-Gro All Purpose is, as the name suggests, good for a wide range of plants however Miracid is an excellent fertilizer for acid-loving plants like hydrangeas.

Follow the instructions on the packet and dilute with water as recommended.

Then apply every week to fortnight and you should see vigorous growth in the summer.

So yes, you most definitely can use Miracle-Gro on hydrangeas.

Can You Feed Hydrangeas With Seaweed?

Seaweed is referred to as a ‘tonic for plants’. 

It doesn’t particularly help with bud formation and flowering, but it should keep your hydrangea happy and healthy and boost the soil they are in as well.

In fact, feeding your hydrangeas (or almost any plant) with seaweed, has a number of benefits:

  • It provides a rich source of nutrients for plants.
  • It helps build resistance to pests and diseases.
  • It can alleviate transplant shock if you move your hydrangea.
  • It can extend the life of cut flowers.

You can use it throughout the growing season, but it is a good idea to stop around three months or so before your last frost date.

The nutrients and minerals seaweed contains are invaluable for both your hydrangea and the soil it is growing in.

Can Neem Oil Be Used On Hydrangeas?

Hydrangea with ladybird on it

Now maybe we have gone off a slight tangent here as neem oil isn’t a fertilizer, but I do regularly see the question of whether you can use neem oil on hydrangeas asked.

First things first, neem oil is a plant oil made from the neem tree, an evergreen that grows in Sri Lanka, India and Burma.

It can be safely used on hydrangeas and has two main benefits:

  1. It can be used to control powdery mildew.
  2. It can be used to eliminate pests.

It is used by many gardeners as it is natural, organic and relatively safe.

Studies have proven that neem oil is effective in managing powdery mildew on hydrangeas and other plants.

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However it is only preventative, rather than curative when it comes to mildew problems.

It must be applied (and reapplied) before the problem rears its head.

It is also effective at removing immature insects and preventing them from developing.

It will also help control adult insects that might be plaguing your hydrangea, but might not be as effective in removing them completely.

Studies have shown it does reduce damage from insects considerably.

Neem oil is very safe with extremely low toxicity.

To find out more read this comprehensive article on the Garden Fundamentals website.

Can Sevin Be Used On Hydrangeas?

Let’s round this up with a quick look at another insecticide.

Sevin is the brand name for the chemical Carbaryl.

It is a popular and widely used insecticide and when used properly is effective in killing some of the pests that might be harming your hydrangeas.

The downside is that Carbaryl is highly toxic and it is not recommended to be used directly on the blooms, as it will be dangerous to bees your hydrangea might attract.

In fact, some areas are even regulating the use of Carbaryl now.

Add to that both spider mites and aphids, common hydrangea pests, are both resistant to Sevin.

Final Thoughts

I know we have scooted about a bit over the topics, but the bottom line is Tomorite, tomato feed, Miracle-Gro and seaweed can all be used on hydrangeas.

Each will offer their own individual benefits when applied at different times of the year.

Tomorite and tomato feed are really helpful for getting a well-established hydrangea to bloom if that is a problem.

Whereas Miracle-Gro can be used on new hydrangeas to get them off to a healthy start and to grow well.

Seaweed is sometimes referred to as ‘nature’s rescue remedy’ and is a great way of keeping many, many plants healthy by supplying them with the nutrients they need.

In terms of pest control, I would much rather use neem oil than Sevin, as it is safer and natural.

But to answer the title question, yes Tomorite most definitely can be used on hydrangeas!

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