How to Stop Your Backyard from Flooding: 6 Ways to Keep Your Yard Immaculate

How to stop your backyard from flooding

Does your backyard flood during heavy rains? That’s too bad! You need to work on it because it’s not going to be good for your yard, and even your house, in the long run.

Read on to find out how to stop your backyard from flooding

Why Is the Backyard Flooding?

Flooding happens when there is no proper drainage. This is a general matter of fact, which also covers your backyard. 

Drainage is not something that we really think about as homeowners. 


It’s almost like a project for the government and public officials. However, once you experience heavy rains and your backyard is flooding, then you start thinking about what you could have done to prevent it. 

Here are the most common reasons why there is flood in your backyard:

1. Heavy rains

Duh! Of course heavy rains could cause flooding in your backyard. Even if you have adequate drainage, when the rain is too strong, it will still cause the area to flood. 

Flooding could also happen with a sudden snowfall. If you have a thick layer of sudden snow, this could melt and turn into a puddle of water in your yard. 

Main under umbrella with heavy rain failling

2. Terrain

If you live at the bottom of a hill or mountainous area, then this is most definitely a problem. You are going to expect some flooding even if rainfall isn’t much.

On the other hand

If you have sloping terrain, then you can expect the lower ground to flood when it rains. You will have to wait until the entire puddle will evaporate, and that will take time. 

3. Soil issue

This could also be a soil problem. There are types of soil that are just not great at absorbing water. Of all soil types, clay is the most compact, which makes it harder to absorb water. 

4. Surrounding structure

Check around the neighborhood. Who knows? Some neighbors may have installed a flooding prevention system that prompts rainwater to be rerouted to your area. 

I know, it sounds terrible

But it could happen?! Just make sure that you don’t make accusations without proof. You have to observe and investigate first. 

How to Stop Your Backyard
from Flooding

Even if the flood doesn’t really go inside your home, you still need to really stop it. If you are already experiencing flooding during heavy rains, chances are the situation will only get worse. 


The water will get inside the house and damage a lot of things–your furniture and appliances. 

Also, if this happens often enough, it could potentially damage the foundation of your home. 

Backyard flood with man moving goods

If you have a garden, flooding could also damage it. On the other hand, a garden could be a solution to your flooding yard. 

More on that later

For now, let’s look at the various ways that could stop flooding in your backyard:

French drain

Drainage is the best answer if you are experiencing deep flooding in your backyard. This is particularly important if you notice that even with a light downpour, inches of water are still retained in your area. 

The best structure for the backyard is the French drain. 

What is it?

This is a trench that has a perforated pipe that would evenly distribute the water into the soil.

This is going to be a heavy job because it involves digging a trench and the installation of the perforated pipe or pipes. 

If it’s too complex

You can always call for a professional to do this. Just make sure to point out which part retains the most water because this is where the trench should be located. 

Dry well

Here’s another solution that would involve heavy lifting. A dry well is an underground structure that will help you get rid of unwanted water like what you get from a heavy rainfall. 

Again, you need to dig a deep hole, enough to put the dry well in. This dry well then collects the water from a storm and slowly releases it through perforations in the structure. 

There is no buildup

Since the water will be released slowly, there is no fear of a deluge of water during the release. Besides, the structure is underground. 

Leveling sloping yard

As earlier mentioned, sloping terrain is a major cause of flooding. Obviously, one way to solve this is by leveling the ground. 

You can elevate the lower areas by adding topsoil, or you could lower the elevated area. 

Grow plants

How many times have environmentalists told us to stop illegally cutting trees because they can prevent flooding?

You have to listen!

Trees are effective in preventing flood because of its strong roots that will not just hold the soil and prevent erosion, they also absorb water. 

If you don’t have space for trees, it’s fine. There are many plants that are good at preventing floods. 


Most native plants have strong roots that hold on to the soil to prevent erosion. They also make sure that rainwater is drained effectively. 

Go to your local nurseries and ask for indigenous plants. 

Trees and plants in yard

Here’s another solution:

Rain garden. 

The rain garden is designed specifically to deal with rainwater. But you can definitely still make it truly beautiful. It’s just like hitting two birds with one stone. 

How do you create one?

Dig a depression in your yard. It would be like your very own small pond. Plant these with native plants and grass. 

When it rains, water will run off to your small pond. It will collect the water and the native plants will absorb the water. 

Perfect solution!

You have a beautiful garden and a natural rainwater catchment. 


Technically, this could also be part of the previous tip on how to stop backyard from flooding. Grass, after all, is also a plant. 

But let’s just discuss this separately as a lawn is generally a carpet of grass, which is slightly different from growing various plants in a garden. 

Works the same way

The advantage is similar. The root system of the grass will help absorb the water, which then prevents flooding. 

Remember what we said earlier? Flood may destroy your garden, but in the same manner, the garden may be the one actually preventing flood in the first place. 


This is another way of holding on to soil while preventing flood. Mulch can hold on to rainwater. 

If you have a garden, it would be a good idea to do a thick mulch to protect soil and the plants’ root system. The same mulch can protect your yard and your home from unwanted water. 

There you have it!

Here are six ways to stop flooding in your yard. The French drain and dry well are more expensive than others. They require a lot of work, too. 

In fact, one could argue that it would be better to just pay the experts to install the drain and well. 

On the other hand

There is the leveling of the slope. You can do this yourself. However, if the layout is too complex, then it’s better off done by professional landscapers. 

The other solutions, creating a garden, planting grass, and mulching are very easy to do. They could improve the aesthetics of the yard, too. 

Wet grass


Flooding is a major problem in general. But when it’s happening in your backyard, it’s quite stressful. It’s not just because of the mud that comes out after the rain. Flood could get into your house and it could damage the foundation of your home. If you have a garden, the flood could damage your beautiful plants as well. 

So, how to stop backyard from flooding? There are six ywas, and four of them are easy to do and are quite cheap. If you have a rain garden, that could do so much in preventing flooding. You get a beautiful garden out of it, too. 

The first time you experience flooding in your yard, you immediately have to plan ways to prevent a second one. That’s why we have this guide for you. You can choose any of the six ways or a combination of the ways to make sure you will never see a pool of unwanted water in your yard again.

Useful Resources

  • How to Redirect Water to Keep a Yard From Flooding After Rain – SFGate
  • Soak Up the Rain: Rain Gardens – US EPA
  • How to Build a Rain Garden in Your Yard – Family Handyman

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