Planting Herbs: What Herbs Grow Well Together?

What herbs grow well together

Growing herbs is really quite practical. They can grow in containers or directly in the ground. And if you grow them in containers, you can plant some of them together.

Want to know what herbs grow well together? Read on to find out.

Herbs – Delicious and Full of Flavor!

Herbs are plants with aromatic properties. It is mostly used to make a dish smell delicious while adding flavor to it. 

Herb can also be used as a garnish. 

In some cases

Herb is even used in some cocktails like the mojito. Various herbs also make for good tea. 

Generally, herb is a plant that does not produce a woody stem. Although, a lot of vegetables are the same. 

Is herb a vegetable?

Technically, herb is a subset of vegetables. It is similar to the leafy greens in the sense that you can eat it as is or added to a dish. 

However, you don’t consume herbs in a way that you consume vegetables. You eat herbs in small quantities

Herb vs spice

Herb is not a spice. The former can be used fresh or dried and it is usually the leafy green or fruit.

Spice, on the other hand, is produced from a dried part of the plant i.e. bark, fruit, root and seed.


An herb usually has a therapeutic property. Lavender, rosemary, and sage are herbs that are used in many essential oils and spa products. 

They can also be made into perfumes. 


There are some herbs that are used in medicine. The mint family of herbs, for example, are commonly used in traditional medicine. 


The advantage of growing herbs is that most of them are really quite easy to plant and taking care of them are quite simple. 

Another thing is the practicality of it. One container could sustain different types of herbs. 


You also need to consider if the herbs complement each other. That is to say that they have similar needs and that they wouldn’t compete with each other. 

What are the types of herbs?

There are three main types of herbs:

  • Annual – they complete their cycle in one season. You have to plant them every year. 
  • Biennial – they reach maturity in their second growing year. 
  • Perennial – they are only planted once. They bloom every year, during its blooming season. 

Knowing the types of herbs will help you identify which among them would grow well together. But that’s not the only indication, of course. 

What Herbs Grow Well Together

Herbs can be grown indoors or outdoors. It’s just so convenient when you have your own herbs at home so you can use them anytime you need to. 

It’s really a great advantage that some herbs grow well together so you can have a variety of herbs at your disposal without taking up too much space. 

Here are some herbs that grow well together:







Fresh oregano on white background

Why they work together:

All these herbs, also known as Mediterranean herbs, love the sun. They love the heat and they don’t need moisture too much. 

In fact, they thrive fairly well in arid soil. 

All six of these–or a combination of two or more of these–are commonly planted together. 


Aesthetically, when you put together creeping thyme, prostrate rosemary, and variegated sage, it just works. 

It’s almost like you have a decorative pot instead of a culinary one. 

It’s also worth noting

Lavender is already beautiful as it is. The other herbs would perfectly complement the purple flowers of lavender. 




Studio shot of fresh basil

Why they work together:

All three prefer moisture. They all need the same water volume and so it’s not a problem when it comes to watering the plants.  

You may also add: 


This is also another moisture-loving herb. However, parsley is a biennial while the other three are annuals. 

To be fair

This is not necessarily a problem. However, it’s a bit of a bother when they don’t have the same growing characteristics. 

Lemon thyme

Lemon verbena


Why they work together:

Aside from the fact that the two have something in common as far as the name is concerned, they also complement each other. 

The lemon thyme is known to have its roots surround verbena and help retain moisture. They are the perfect example of two herbs really working well together and not just coexisting.

There’s also this:

The combination of their two fragrances are just amazing! A pot of these two is a natural deodorizer. 

Also, why do they have lemon in front of their names? That’s because they are lemon-scented. 


Close up of mint on white background

This is one of the most popular herbs out there. But it’s not generally popular among other herbs. 

You see, you should only plant mint by itself. It has the tendency to grow too much and invade the space allotted for other herbs. 

The result:

It would compete with the water and nutrients that should be shared among the herbs in the same space. 

You know what else?

Planting different mint varieties is also not advisable. There is a tendency that the varieties would cross pollinate. 

Cross pollination among mint varieties doesn’t always come out with the best result. 


There are tried and tested mint-family herbs that work together. You just need to research the best pairing or grouping. 

Some Things to Consider

Don’t limit yourself to the pairings / groupings mentioned above. You can choose your own cohabitants as long as they are compatible. 

Here are things you should know:

Choose similar sizes

It also helps when same-size herbs are grown together. First off, it’s better aesthetically if one type of herb doesn’t look like it’s dominating the container. 

There’s also the possibility that the top-heavy herb will cause the container to tilt over. 

Limited space

If you have limited space, then planting herbs will be the most appropriate thing. You can have as many herbs possible in just one container. 

Your food will always be flavorful and fragrant when you grow your own herbs. 

Companion planting

The herb can also be planted with other plants not considered herb, so like other vegetables and some flowering plants. 

That’s actually advantageous to the other plant because herbs can repel pests. They can also pass on their flavors to the plants. 

But then again

You need to find the perfect pairing. You can’t just choose whatever plant-and-herb pairing you prefer. 

Here are some popular herbs used as companion plant:

  • Artemisia
  • Basil
  • Catnip
  • Chives
  • Cilantro
  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme


Annual herbs can be harvested when they are at least eight inches tall. Biennial can also be harvested at around the same height but in the second growing year. 

For perennials, they can be harvested when they are between four and six inches tall. 

Here’s another tip:

Harvest late in the afternoon because the herbs will be at its most nutrient-rich. 

Also, don’t pull the stems. Use a sharp knife to cut off the needed part or simply pinch the part. 

Get to know the herbs

There are dozens of herbs around. The key is to research their growing characteristics and needs so you will know which are best paired or grouped together. . 


There are around 75 to 100 herbs in the world. Some of them can be grown together. That’s the advantage of planting herbs, it’s quite practical because they are easy to take care of and you can pair or group them together in one container. 

What herbs grow well together? It’s about knowing which herbs have the same growing characteristics. Which ones love sunlight? Which ones prefer moisture? Which ones are annual, biennial, and perennial?

When you know how herbs grow and how they should be taken care of, you can actually gauge which ones can grow in the same container or in the same area of the garden. But we have created a list for you anyway.

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