The Garden Tower Project: Revolutionizing Gardening!

Garden Tower Project

“Nourish your family, feed your community, and leave the world a better place!” 

That is the strapline the Garden Tower Project use to introduce themselves on their website – but who exactly are they and why are they seemingly taking the gardening world by storm?

What Is the Garden Tower Project

The Garden Tower Project is a sustainable and healthy way of gardening. It is the collective name for a group of projects that make growing organic and home-grown produce available for everyone. It allows you to convert unwanted food into organic fertilizer to benefit your garden and grow delicious food.

Who Are The Garden Tower Project?

Based in Bloomington, Indiana, the Garden Tower Project was officially born on 19 April 2012, when inventor Colin Cudmore, environmental scientist Joel Grant and health professional Thomas Tlusty took to the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to gain funding for their Garden Tower. 

This revolutionary idea is a vertical food garden that lets you convert those unwanted kitchen scraps into organic fertilizer you can feed back into your garden.

Although they didn’t reach their project goal they did receive enough support to launch the Garden Tower and in December 2012 the first Garden Towers were sent to their kickstarter backers. 

And guess what?

Since then the trio have never looked back!

In fact in 2014 they improved on the Garden Tower and launched a second Kickstarter project to fund the Garden Tower 2.

They had obviously built up quite a fan base in the intervening two years as this project was fully funded in 33 minutes flat!

Pretty amazing right?

Garden Tower 2

What Makes Them So Special?

The question is, what doesn’t make them special?!

Their ever growing product list is 100% American made and in March 2018 they were recognised by the International Future Living Institute with a Petal Certificate.

This certificate recognises many things – but mainly the work the Garden Tower Project Team have done to create a sustainable, sensible and healthy food system.

They sell a whole range of products with the aim of bringing sustainable, organic and home-grown produce to everyone.

Best of all…

Everything is aimed at the normal person being able to cast aside relying on food produced via industrial farming practices that often strip food of essential nutrients and helping them to grow their own healthy food.

So if you are eco-friendly, love or want to learn about gardening and want delicious food free from any kind of pesticides or chemicals the Garden Tower Project should be your first port of call!

So What Do They Sell?

The Garden Tower Project’s store really is a treasure trove of items for anyone interested in eco-friendly gardening and growing sustainable and organic produce.

Here we select six of our favorite items in the Garden Tower Project store:

The Garden Tower and The Garden Tower 2

Their two showcase products are the Garden Tower and Garden Tower 2.

These are vertical container gardens that transform kitchen scraps into nutritious and organic fertilizer.

All you do is add your kitchen scraps and water to the top and do this two or three times a week. The Garden Tower will produce nutrient rich fertilizer you can use in your garden.

At the same time the innovative design allows you to grow upto 50 plants from the tower – completely organically.

The great thing is if you have a tiny garden you can produce an almost unlimited supply of plants using the Garden Tower in minimal space!


Garden Tower Project
Terracotta Composting 50-Plant Garden Tower by Garden Tower Project

LED Grow Light Kit

More recently the team developed a high-powered LED Grow Light kit to allow customers to use the Garden Tower indoors and grow organic herbs, greens and vegetables year round using full spectrum grow lights.

Safe Watering Kit

You spend hours carefully tending to your garden, making sure it is free of chemicals, totally organic and environmentally friendly and then you give it a blast of water from your hose… The reality is that your garden hose is likely to have remnants of all sorts of chemicals and contaminated water.

So the self-watering kit takes away that risk and filters the water coming out of your tap making it so pure you can take a drink whilst you are working!

Eco-Friendly Seed Starting Kit

Everything you need to start your own eco-friendly seed garden. You get soil, 100% recycled containers, enough seed pellets for two trays and a $20 gift certificate to buy more seeds!

Juicing Tower Container Seeds Collection

These are a set of organic seeds specifically produced with the intention of using them to make smoothies eventually.  The seeds include arugula, carrot, kale, spinach and many more.

Garden Tower

Precision Titanium Straight Blade Pruner

This trimming and pruning tool has curved blade tips for ultimate precision when you are cutting and is absolutely ideal for trimming pretty much any leaves or plants. Its small tip makes it perfect for smaller items such as individual lettuce leaves, heads of broccoli and so on.

This is just the tip of the iceberg – there is much more in their store.

The bottom line is…

If you want something American-made, environmentally friendly and that will help you grow delicious and nutritious produce then The Garden Tower Project is a great place to go.

They have a whole host of products to help you, but the real jewel in their crown is The Garden Tower 2 – a wonderful idea, perfectly executed.

Visit the Garden Tower website
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