Does a Playset Increase Home Value? (Discussed)

Cartoon of Steve in shorts and shirt

Home value is high when the property is clean, livable, and attractive. 

When owners make some improvements in the property, it will surely drive the home price up in the market. 

Does that mean a playset will improve a property’s value?

It depends. 

Is it really an improvement or an eyesore?

Let’s discuss. 

A playset is a type of improvement in a property but it is not an immediate factor that may increase home value. The playset has to be well-maintained, still aesthetically pleasing, and functional to add value to the property as it improves curb appeal. A dilapidated playset is an eyesore that could turn off many homebuyers. 

What Is a Playset?

Close up of slide

A playset is an outdoor structure that children can play on. 

It is sometimes referred to as a swing set, although the playset has become more of a generic term as the entire product includes more than just swings. 

Other terms for this product are playscape, play equipment, play center, jungle gym, or play system. 

The set may include a playhouse, slide, monkey bars, jungle gym, and more. 

It all depends on how large and extensive the playset is. 

It is basically a whole playground you can put up at home. 

This way, you don’t have to drive several miles to go to a community playground just to have access to the mentioned play equipment. 

A playset is wonderful as it encourages children to go outside and be more active rather than spending hours on their mobile devices. 

Children will benefit from the exercise they get playing in the swing set and the vitamins from being exposed to the sun. 

But will home value benefit too?

Why a Playset Could Increase Home Value

The housing market usually dictates whether houses are more expensive today or not. 

But there are also individual factors that affect a home’s price in the market. 

For example, the following could help increase the value of your home:

  • Upgrading to green or energy-efficient home features and appliance
  • Improving the landscape
  • Remodeling the kitchen
  • Enhancing the bathroom/s
  • Cleaning and decluttering
  • Adding improvements

Plants, a pool, a gazebo, a water fountain, or a playset are examples of improvements homeowners add to their property. 

They should be able to increase your home value. 

But not if they are ugly and dilapidated. 

Well-maintained playsets provide the following benefits:

#1: They Appeal to Families With Children

The right family will be attracted to a property with a playset. 

Obviously, a family with small children will enjoy a home with a swing set since they don’t need to purchase one. 

Families with children are also among the entities who are most likely to hunt for a new house because of the growing brood. 

And if you have a truly good playset, one that will last for a long time (or a lifetime perhaps), then the property just got more appealing to the family or potential buyer. 

It saves the parents money and time as they don’t need to buy and install a swing set for their children. 

#2: They Are Potential Moneymakers

Homebuyers who don’t have small children may still find the property with a playset attractive. 

If the playset is in good condition, they can just sell it and use the vacated place for something else. 

It’s exactly why you have to make sure that the playset is in great condition. 

#3: They Boost Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is a term in real estate that refers to the attractiveness of the property from the sidewalk. 

The playset is certainly attractive to children. 

But it can also improve the look of the yard as it adds shape and color to the area. 

Curb appeal is very important in real estate, which is proven by the following results of a National Association of REALTORS survey:

  • 94% of Realtors suggest that sellers improve property curb appeal before listing their homes
  • 99% of Realtors believe curb appeal is vital in attracting buyers
  • 97% of Realtors think curb appeal is crucial to potential buyers

How To Ensure a Playset Adds Value to the Home

Child on swing

The average first-time homebuyer in the U.K. is 33 years old, which may suggest stability as the same survey revealed they prefer buying larger properties where they can see themselves living for a long time. 

A property with a playset is larger than most first-step homes. 

About 37% of first-time homebuyers have children. 

Based on these numbers, you have a great chance of upping the number of your property. 


You need to make sure your playset will attract, not turn off, potential homebuyers. 

Here are some surefire steps:

1. Quality Matters

Let’s not dwell too long on this because it is expected that if you put a playset in your yard for your children, then you must have bought the best swing set that is safe and fun for the kids. 

However, if you are just setting up the playset to fetch a higher price for your house, then you better make sure you purchased high-quality equipment.  

2. Clean Every Bit of the Playset

Homeowners have to showcase the best of the property when they welcome potential homebuyers during open houses. 

Wise and practical prospective homebuyers will check every bit of the property to make sure it is the right one for them. 

They would open cabinets to check if they are in good shape, turn on some appliances to ensure they are working, and go outside to inspect the rest of the property. 

When they see the playset, they will scrutinize it too. 

They may even go on it to ensure it works as it should.

Now, as a homeowner, you need to clean the entire house for the open house. 

The yard is an extension of the house, which means you need to clean it too. 

And that includes everything that’s part of the yard, be it a trampoline, gazebo, or swing set. 

“When staging a home for sale, don’t forget to tidy up the outdoor playset and other play equipment. Mow and trim the grass around the equipment, and add fresh mulch to the play area. Repair, paint, and stain, as needed.”


3. Repair Even the Most Minor Playset Issues

The condition of the playset can play a major part in whether a homebuyer purchases the property or not, or if they are willing to put a higher bid on it. 

So, inspect your swing set and repair whatever damage it has incurred over years of use. 

If you have children at home, buyers will not expect the playset to look or seem brand new. 

Homebuyers with children are only after the condition of the playset to make sure kids will be safe while playing. 

And they would prefer that the playset doesn’t spoil the overall aesthetics of the property. 

Final Thoughts

INFOGRAPHIC Answering the Question Does a Playset Increase Home Value
Click infographic to enlarge.

Real estate agents believe curb appeal will help you attract buyers for your home. 

A playset is something that could definitely improve your curb appeal. 

But only if it looks neat, is well-maintained, and safe for children. 

And an upgraded curb appeal will surely reflect in the price of the home. 

So, make sure you get your playset looking good as new to increase your property’s value. 

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