How to Lay Garden Paving: 7 Easy Steps to Make Your Yard Look Gorgeous!

House and paved walkway

Elevate your yard and your garden with garden paving. You don’t have to spend a lot of money for it since you can do it on your own. It’s actually quite easy. Just follow these seven easy steps to learn how to lay garden paving.

Why People Do Lay Garden Paving?

Most people garden because it is their passion. There are some people who also garden because they want their yard to be more beautiful. 

Now, a garden paving can truly elevate the beauty of your yard. 

Is that so?

The paving can be used as a patio. You just put some chairs that would complement the space.

You may put a fire pit there, too. 


The paving is also a great way to break the monotony of the lawn. 

And it’s not just there for aesthetic purposes.

Lady walking on stones

Imagine this:

It’s raining so hard and the grass is wet. You are only wearing slippers. 

Wouldn’t it be better if there is a paved pathway you can walk or run on to keep you feet from being swallowed by the wet grass?

Yes! The paving has a practical purpose, too

You see, you can pave a pathway from the road leading to the door of your house. It could be a narrow one or a wide one. 

It depends on the design you want. 


Paving is a great way to put borders in the yard. 

You can pave the part of the garden to give people an indication that they should be more careful in that area. 

For a large lawn

You are basically designating an area for the garden and just the grass. 

Landscaping improvements can keep the entire yard neat. 

Or maybe

If you want to separate the garden into varieties so specific kinds of plants don’t encroach on other plants, then the paving is also a good way to do it. 

There is also this:

Beautiful garden paving can also add value to the house. 

If it’s beautiful, you are more likely to sell your house at a more expensive rate than when you bought it. 

Garden paving

The great thing is

You can design the garden paving yourself. This way, your home has a touch of your creativity. 

Plus, you can totally do it yourself! 

So how do you do it?

How to Lay Garden Paving

First things first though, you need a plan! You should think about the purpose of the garden paving. 

If you just want a footpath, then you don’t need something special. 


If your purpose is more on aesthetics, then you have to be more purposeful when choosing the materials. 

For garden separators, then it has to be more practical. 

Here’s the thing

There are so many kinds of pavers available in the market. 

There are the rectangle hard-looking ones made of concrete. It’s a practical and cheap option for a footpath. 

There are also those made of slate and stones forming various shapes and made in many designs. 

So plan well

Check out many pavers before you decide on which type should become part of your home. 

Have you got a plant? Because it’s time to start paving:

1. Mark the path

Mark the part of the yard that you want to pave. 

There are many ways to mark them. You can use bricks, spray paint or stakes.


The marks could be there for quite some time, so make sure you use a material that won’t get damage when it rains. Don’t use paper!

Make sure you got the dimensions right. 

What’s this for?

It allows you the chance to see or imagine how your paving will look like after. 

2. Excavate

This is why you have to mark the ground using the exact dimension of the pavers. You have to excavate the area where you will put the pavers. 

This is to ensure that the pavers will not be detached.

Garden with paving

How deep?

Excavate some five inches of soil. 

Don’t worry, the excavated area will also hold some base material. 

3. Put in the first base

Aside from not wanting the pavers to be removed inadvertently, you also don’t want it swallowed in the ground. 

That’s why you need to put some base materials in the excavated part. 

What’s the base?

You can either use gravel or crushed stones. Put around four inches of these in the excavated material. 

This will make the paving really solid. Even if many people step on it, the pavers won’t sink in the soil. 

Close-up view of mixed gravel and slate stones

4. Put in edge restraints

You will also need paver edge restraints. These will keep your base in place and will allow you to properly insert your pavers in the excavated area. 

Also, when the pavers are in, they will be restrained from moving around. 

Understand how it got its name? 

The great thing about the restraints is that they can conform to any design. Your paving doesn’t have to be straightforward to be able to use the edge restraints. 

What happens if they are not restrained?

Once you put in the pavers without the restraints, gravity will interfere. 

Since the paver has some weight into it, it might move toward the softer part of the soil. 

By the way

We still don’t have our pavers in. We just need to put the restraints at the edge of the excavated parts first as a guide where to place the pavers. 

5. Put in secondary base

You thought we would be putting in the pavers already, didn’t you?

Not just yet! 

Here’s what you do next

You need to pour the secondary base: sand!

The sand should be around an inch in thickness just above the gravel or crushed stone. 

Now on to the most important part:

6. Place the pavers

Now, it’s time!

Place the paver between the edge restraints and on top of the two bases–obviously!


Press the paver down and allow it to take root in the space. 

For those using a continuous or interlocking pavers, install them by row. It would be too difficult to install them altogether. 

Also, with interlocking ones, start from one end to the next. Never in the middle. 

7. Apply paver sealing

In order to stabilize the pavers, apply the sealing. 

The paver sealing can protect the product from stains and other matters that could damage the pavers.

Brick paving

By the way

The sealing can also enhance the look of your paver. If it has a bright color, the sealing can make it look even brighter. 

It can also make pavers more durable. 

Notes About Garden Paving

Okay, aside from planning, there are other things you need to do before you should start the process of garden paving:

Beware of utility lines:

Call your utility company. Ask them to visit your home so they can inspect the property. 

Show them your plan to make sure that you will not be damaging utility lines. 

In case you destroy them

You could pay for the damage, or worse, you could face legal issues. 

You won’t be arrested but you might be fined. 

Close-up view of Stone Path with grass growing through


Reseal the pavers every year. This will prevent damage like staining or crumbling of the stones at the sides. 

It would also be great if you clean the pavers every now and then. You can sweep them or scrub with water and detergent. 

That will keep them looking new all the time! 


Having a garden paving is practical for the space and for your plants. It can also enhance the look of your yard. 

You know what the best part is? It’s actually quite easy to do! So how to lay a garden paving? Just follow seven easy steps!

There is no need to call a contractor to improve your home. You can do it yourself. It’s also quite satisfying to do a labor of love.

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