How to Make a Garden Tower: The Perfect Solution for a Small Yard

wall garden

Want a garden but don’t have space for one? Well I have the solution…

The best part?

It is cheap and relatively easy.

So let me tell you how to make a garden tower.

There are a number of benefits of garden towers – notably they are easier to manage as everything is in one spot, allowing for easy access to water, prune, and ensure everything is growing well.

The other great thing about garden towers is that you can make them yourself. This is not only a more cost-effective solution, but it can be a fun project as you can give it your own personal touch. 

So let’s take a look.

Building a Garden Tower

To build a garden tower, you can utilize a variety of different materials. 

A great option is to use terra cotta pots. The tiered pots form a wonderful vertical garden with plenty of room to grow a variety of plants. 

Here’s what you do. 

Make sure to build your tower in the spot you want it to stay as it’s very heavy to move. 

  1. Get five terracotta pots in descending size of 6” to 24”.
  2. You’ll need a metal or wooden rod that fits the size of the tower.
  3. Fill the bottom of the largest pot with peat or moss and soil and stick the rod in the middle.
  4. Slide in the next pot by inserting the pole through the hole in the center. Fill that pot with soil and continue until all the pots are inserted and filled with soil. 
  5. Plant your selected seeds, water, and watch it grow!

If you don’t like terracotta pots, you can utilize containers you already have.

An awesome fact about garden towers is they allow you to be as creative as you’d like. Other materials that you can use include hanging baskets, shelves, trellises, even a bathtub!

Amazing right?!

If you are running short on time the video below gives you an overview of how to build a garden tower:

Using Mesh Wiring for a Tower

Another simple option, if you don’t want to use multiple pots, is to put mesh wiring to use. Here’s how you do that:

  1. Start with a deep bucket or container of your choice as the base.
  2. Fill said container halfway with stones.
  3. Insert a circular formed wire mesh lengthwise into the stones. Make sure the bottom is completely covered by stones.
  4. Add 2 to 3 inches of peat or moss on top of the stones and into the wire mesh cylinder.
  5. Layer potting soil on top of the moss.
  6. Your basic garden tower is complete. You’ll layer more moss into the garden tower as you add your plants.

Hopefully, that gives you a good idea of how many different ways you can create your garden tower.

A good tip to keep in mind is that if you are going with a tiered option, plant your biggest vegetation in the lower pots to ensure they don’t block the sunlight to the smaller ones.

It’ll make it work so much better!

Now, most tower gardens use a soil and nutrient solution versus regular soil.

Because of this, having a clean and easy-to-access water source is key to success.

Another great way to make sure that your vegetables and fruits grow well in your containers is to fill the pots with a suitable amount of compost or manure if you’re feeling bold. 

What to Plant in a Garden Tower

Now, when it comes to deciding what to plant in your garden tower, knowing where it will sit will give you a list of options to choose from.

Garden Tower

What I mean by that is, if your vertical garden is sitting on your balcony and has exposure to a lot of sun, you’ll plant vegetables and fruits that soak up the sun. Most fruits and vegetables need around 8 to 10 hours of sun exposure.

But don’t fret…

If only a portion of your garden tower is exposed to the sun just rotate the tower.


If it’s located in a place that doesn’t receive a lot of sunlight, you’ll have a different selection list to choose from. 

If you have access to a lot of sunlight, consider the following:

  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Beans
  • Carrots
  • Radishes 
  • Even potatoes!

If you’re looking to plant squashes, cucumbers, and pumpkins it is entirely possible to do so. Just make sure you have deep enough pots to allow for proper growth.

A great fruit to grow in a tower garden are strawberries. Not only do they grow well, but they are also beautiful and irresistible to eat!

Strawberries are also pretty cold hardy, meaning they can grow in a colder climate.

Speaking of which…

You might be living in a city or location with more overcast days than not.

Or, access to light isn’t a problem, but it could be that the only spot in your house to plant a garden tower has sparse sunlight.

Either way, you still have some great vegetable options you can grow!

These include: 

  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Arugula
  • Cauliflower
  • Beets
  • Garlic

Growing a Garden Tower Indoors

If you want to be free to plant whichever types of fruits or vegetables you’d like, you can also create your tower garden inside. This will, however, require electricity to run the grow lights.

If you’re going with this option, keep in mind that most vegetables will require around 14 to 16 hours under a grow light daily.

Remember this:

If you live in a location that deals with harsh summers, make sure to have enough shade set-up to avoid wilting your garden.

When watering, you want to avoid using a hose as it’s harder to gauge how much water you’re giving it.

My tip?

Instead, use a 1 or 2-gallon sprinkling can and make sure all the moisture is wet. After a while, you’ll know exactly how much water your tower needs.

The Bottom Line?

Overall, garden towers are a wonderful alternative to a traditional garden bed, allowing just about anyone to grow and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is also a great DIY project that allows you to put your own personal touch on your vertical garden.

If you love the concept of a tower garden, but already have a traditional one, consider growing flowers, succulents, or fruits.

Best of all:

There is no right or wrong way to create a tower garden. They can be as unique as the space you have available and the material you want to use.

In the end, they’ll be an awesome addition to your house and a great way to cultivate a garden.


Want to learn more about garden towers? You can find further information here:

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